HackYeah Online | Summer Edition

96 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 6
96 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 6

This campaign is over.

HackYeah Online Summer Edition
starts on:
Jun 05, 2020, 04:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 07, 2020, 08:05 AM UTC (UTC)


HackYeah Online is the online edition of the biggest stationary hackathon in Europe, powered by GovTech Polska. Taking place in the cyberspace. Our goal is to gather the brightest minds from all over the world that have the willingness to create technological solutions for presented tasks and... win crazy prizes!

The prize pool is over 180 000 PLN!

The attendees will have a total of 40 hours to create solutions for tasks:

⭐️ Supporting business
⭐️ Engagement during online meetings
⭐️ Gaming
⭐️ Oncological patient's track
⭐️ SupervisionHack: #ScamTrapper
⭐️ Covid 19 - Safety During Travelling

The event takes place on 5-7 June 2020. Worldwide.

But we will communicate through HackYeah Discord channels! Join us here: https://discord.gg/6bs6cHk

You’ll have a chance to meet online IT specialists, GovTech gurus, CEOs of big companies and NGO professionals.

To support our brave attendees we’ll organize numerous webinars, contest, games and activities throughout the hackathon. We will take care of maintaining the festival atmosphere known from the three previous hackathon editions, this time transferred to the virtual world.

HackYeah is open for everyone: UXers, programmers, graphic designers, product managers, developers, and all other creative folks!

WHAT IS HACKYEAH ONLINE ALL ABOUT? First of all, it's a hackathon - an event gathering creative individuals that hack reality and fix global issues using any tools they possess. Hack Yeah online lasts for 40 hours and within this time you have to find the solution for one of the presented tasks.


Literally anyone! You can be a programmer, front-end developer, UXer, game programmer, Sec wizard, graphic designer, webmaster, an engineer, a product manager or an extremely creative individual! But there is more, you should also join if you are a healthcare professional, a business guru, or a gamer of the decade. Each attendee can work as a lone wolf or in a team - up to 6 people! Aaaand, you can be a part of more than one team!



We live in the times when we have to fight for the engagement. Gaming catches the viewer’s attention, helps him to understand the content and keeps his absorption. In this task, we are looking for ideas to use online games in education, sharing knowledge and organizing meetings.

We are looking for:

  • Interesting possibilities of use of gaming in education and training
  • Solutions, that will help to keep the viewer’s attention by using games and contests
  • Ideas to both: creating and taking part in brainstorms and conceptional meetings - by the use of gaming
  • Support the effectiveness of home office with gaming
Engagement during online meetings

In the times of home office, keeping the attention of your interlocutor at e-meetings is crucial. In this task, we would like to find low-cost solutions that will boost the user’s engagement at online events and meetings.

We are looking for:

  • Solutions, that will ease the transfer of event industry into the online world. This is especially important for these events, which haven’t been connected to the online formula never before.

  • Ideas for all: cultural/entertainment business, formal meetings and conferences with the big number of attendees

  • Ways to facilitate the online environment to the new attendee, which has technical difficulties and doesn’t perceive himself as s part of the event’s community

  • Interesting concepts, that will support and extend the engagement of online attendees, while the part of the event takes place offline

Example areas:

o Ease the audio attendance in discussion panels

o Ease the attendance in the online event, which takes place on many platforms at the same time

Supporting business

The business is changing. Nowadays, many companies wake up after coronavirus lockdown, but there are also true gems that survived this difficult episode without any problems. At both situations, the corporations need now interesting and innovative ideas to gain a huge dose of new energy.

We’re looking for solutions, projects, tools and ideas that will support the widely understood business.

When we think about the future of the entire business industry, we notice the urge of innovative and creative ways to improve it. Technology, creativity and your skills can create new tools and truly better solutions.

Oncological Patient’s Track
The process of oncological diagnostics and treatment is very complex — many various specialists are involved on different levels. It is possible to present it with the so-called “patient’s track” that — with a high probability — describes the process of diagnostics and treatment of different types of cancer. These tracks have already been prepared within the pilot project of Domestic Oncological Network that was started in February 2019. From the quality of the oncological diagnostics and treatment point of view, it is crucial that the patient’s track designed by experts is not simplified nor modified unreasonably. This modification has many reasons — one of them is an attempt to change the more expensive medical examination to cheaper one (for example exchanging hip's NMR spectroscopy to the CAT scan in case of prostate cancer). It lowers the costs of diagnostics, but the income from the National Health Fund (which is realized with oncological funds) is the same — the only one who suffers from the change, is the patient. The question is: How to prevent the spread of this occurrence?  The optimal solution is... Create the module to monitor the regularity of oncological patient’s track. The optimal solution is the module that will detect irregularities and fraud cases in the area of oncological benefits realized from the public funds. Crucial functions of the system:
  • Possibility to create models of oncological patient’s track
  • Possibility to compare the realization of process at different levels of patient’s track
  • Possibility to compare the realization of particular tracks at different medical points
  • Indication of the character and size of potential fraud case
  • Possibility to export files to Excel or create a dedicated report
  • Possibility to allow the patient to observe the realization of his oncological care track by granting access to the system
  • Possibility to create communication between the patient and his doctor within the app
  • Possibility to generate an individual report about the realization of diagnostics and oncological treatment track in the format that allows saving the information in the patient’s electronic history
The measures of success:
  • Assessment of the compatibility between the real oncological care track and the model one — checking the quality of oncological care
  • Increase the level of detecting irregularities in realization and billing oncological benefits that are funded by public funds
  • Possibility to control the data from the system with data reported by beneficiaries to the National Health Fund regarding the incorrect settlement of a given group of benefits.
  • Increase in the number of detected fraud cases.
  • Indication JGP (diagnosis-related group), where the fraud cases are born
  • Increase in the migration of benefits to cheaper JGP (diagnosis-related group).
  • Raising the effectiveness of communication with the patient.
  • Enhance the patient’s awareness about the urge of realization diagnostics and oncological treatment
SupervisionHack: #ScamTrapper
Description of The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PL: Urząd Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego - UKNF) task
Good against evil is not only what we see in the cinemas, but also on the financial market. However in the time of digitization and data dispersion, fight of KNF office with scams, become more and more unequal. Fraudsters and scamers reach for more tricky methods of phishing. UKNF seeks to fight effectively with fraudsters and scamers. Take the challenge and design solution, which will allow for more effective identifying scam on the financial market. Have you heard this:

#guaranteed fast and secure profit (#gwarantowany bezpieczny szybki zysk)
#no risk (#bez ryzyka) #best investment (#świetna inwestycja)
#high return (#wysoki zwrot)
#quick profit (#szybki hajs)
# quick increase of savings (#szybkie pomnożenie oszczędności)
#safe money (#pewna kasa)

If you want to join UKNF in the battle for financial security of citizens, say it firmly:

STOP that unfair practices !

What do we expect We need unconventional detection methods to quickly and effectively identify financial market's scammers. Your goal is to build a solution called #ScamTrapper that will search for potential scams. The analysis should be made on key words and certain phrases that are used by scamers and fraudsters and occur on suspicious websites. Designed solution, should work on any chosen and effective technology. Don’t worry if you don’t know what fraudsters and scamers do, to attract their victims ! We have compilied more popular keywords and phrases. This will be the starting point to become #ScamTrapper. After deciding to participate in our task you will receive a list of keywords and phrases.

UKNF expect that #ScamTrapper will:
  • Search the internet for key words and phrases;
  • Create, update and archive a database with websites containing searched key words and phrases;
  • Allow any modification of the key words set and phrases (adding, removing or modifying);
  • Generate e-mail alerts;
  • Allow creating statements according to defined criteria (e.g. according to phrases or dates of searching websites);
  • Download copies of websites to pdf files;
  • Generate information about: the server, subscription, website registrant and provide information on its security systems (e.g. malware);
Covid 19 - Safety During Travelling
In this task we would like you to create the application, that will inform people who travel between Poland and Slovakia about the current provisions at the particular area. The app will notify travellers about the restrictions connected to the epidemiological situation and - for sure! - facilitate the regulations to ordinary people. In that way, travellers could avoid unfounded fines and feel safe during travel. The application can also provide information about the new concentrations of coronavirus cases. All the new ideas and additional aspects are welcome - it depends only on your creativity! Think about the future and comfort of travelling between Poland and Slovakia, what can we improve? Do your best using your both: skills and IT knowledge! Requirements
  • Mobile app should provide online information about COVID-19 travel restrictions in respective countries, for example:

- Travel restrictions
- Grouping restrictions
- Isolation requirements (for example mandatory state quarantine for travellers)
- Outdoor activities guidance
- Restricted and non-restricted services
- Fact sheets and statistics, Guidance documents
- Public health orders
  • Tailored made information according user preferences (user could define such preferences, like culture, sport, others in custom settings)
  • Push notifications if epidemiologic situation in the current or target region significantly changed
  • Mobile app should allow switching between different languages (Polish, Slovak, English, eventually other V4 languages). The basic version may be available in one language but should be an option for quick adaptation to other languages

Prizes PLN 180000 in prizes

Main Prizes

10 000 PLN for the 1st Place and 2 Special Awards, 5 000 PLN each one

Engagement during online meetings
PLN 20000

10 000 PLN for the 1st Place and 2 Special Awards, 5 000 PLN each one

Supporting business
PLN 50000

25 000 PLN for 1st place, 15 000 PLN for 2nd place, 10 000 PLN for 3rd place


Help & Support

Please contact event admin
Adrian Legutko at adrian.legutko@proidea.pl
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